Creation workshop dlp
Creation workshop dlp

creation workshop dlp

  • While holding the top of the printer (LCD panel and Z axis) in my hand, something shifted causing a slight tilt, breaking the LCD wire off right at the edge of the LCD (on closer examination I determined it is not user fixable, and had to order a replacement display).
  • One of the metal panels (the front one), had a screw that stripped so to check the metal reflector and LED clearance, I unscrewed the top - this is a big mistake - simply don't do it without first disconnecting the display cable (the display cable is behind the front cover, invisible to me due to the stripped screw):.
  • I opened the bottom, and confirmed fan connections (there are now multiple) are firmly connected and correct polarity, and wires are firmly attached to their connectors.
  • LCD was intact and used a thin tape to hold it in place.
  • Now you can copy that file to the flash drive for printing.
  • creation workshop dlp

    Finally click on the Slice icon (cake), and it will confirm your profile and then slice it, saving the CWS file.Click on the save icon at the top left, and give it a name (this does not yet save the sliced version, but after slicing it will be the file we use).Go to Configure > Configure Slicing Profile (the Options tab) make sure that "Export to CWS" is checked (Apply changes should save it for future, though it did not for me).Import the part(s) into Creation workshop (and orientate them like you want/need).cws files (Creation Workshop's Scene files). The included booklets was for the standard D7, and was confusing to me - my client is happy she did not have to figure this out on her own.


    Documentation PDF (see the attached file).This version already have profiles for the D7 (and D7+ uses the same settings - from what I can tell).

    Creation workshop dlp