Bliss A MIMO Propagation Channel Model in a Random Medium. De Doncker Path-Loss Characteristics of Urban Wireless Channels. Volakis Wireless A Comprehensive Channel Model for UWB Multisensor Multiantenna Body Area Networks. Hagness Adaptive CLEAN With Target Refocusing for Through-Wall Image Improvement. Sahalos Scattering and Imaging A Sparsity Regularization Approach to the Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering Problem. Werner Pareto Optimal Microwave Filter Design Using Multiobjective Differential Evolution. Savaidis Numerical Methods Improved Model-Based Parameter Estimation Approach for Accelerated Periodic Method of Moments Solutions With Application to the Analysis of Convoluted Frequency Selected Surfaces and Metamaterials. (Contents Continued from Front Cover) Electromagnetic Scattering by an Infinite Elliptic Dielectric Cylinder With Small Eccentricity Using Perturbative Analysis. Shishegar Application of Kummer’s Transformation to the Efficient Computation of the 3-D Green’s Function With 1-D Periodicity. Xin Electromagnetics A Novel Analysis of Microstrip Structures Using the Gaussian Green’s Function Method.
Segovia Metallic Wire Array as Low-Effective Index of Refraction Medium for Directive Antenna Application. Jacob Study and Design of a Differentially-Fed Tapered Slot Antenna Array. Drissi An External Calibration Scheme for DBF Antenna Arrays. Gerini Arrays Antenna Modeling Based on a Multiple Spherical Wave Expansion Method: Application to an Antenna Array. Lin Frequency Selective Surfaces for Extended Bandwidth Backing Reflector Functions. Sreenivasan Novel Broadband Circularly Polarized Cavity-Backed Aperture Antenna With Traveling Wave Excitation. Ludwig A Simple Ultrawideband Planar Rectangular Printed Antenna With Band Dispensation.
De Flaviis A Lumped Circuit for Wideband Impedance Matching of a Non-Resonant, Short Dipole or Monopole Antenna. BirdĪntennas A Dual-Linearly-Polarized MEMS-Reconfigurable Antenna for Narrowband MIMO Communication Systems.